


I was a Fulbright Scholar sponsored by the U.S. Center for International Exchange of Scholars from February to July 2006 at the University of Bahrain. I taught a course for senior students at the department of Architectural and Civil Engineering on environmental design. I supervised senior projects on 运输 Planning for Civil Engineering students, conducted research with Civil Engineering colleagues on traffic capacity of selected roundabouts in Bahrain, completed a report on academic accreditation of the University of Bahrain, and completed a proposal and outlines for the Regional 发展 and Planning of the Southern Governorate in Bahrain.

While I was there I was teaching an online course (the Geography of the Middle East) for our students at FSU. I communicated with students about the time difference between Manama and Framingham (Manama is eight hours ahead of Framingham). For my surprise, one of the student responded and requested to meet with me after 20 minutes only. She was a teacher at the American School in Bahrain. What a small world and how technology made education global.

I was very impressed with the knowledge that Bahraini students have about the history and geography of the U.S. in addition to their proficiency in 英语. This approved how 英语 became an international language and how a great nation like the U.S. 成为全球. I wish our American students appreciate the status of 英语 and the U.S. 在世界事务中. I wish our students become more active participants in achieving their educational and career goals.